BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3 Series G20 (2018-2025) Training manual

BMW 3 Series G20 (2018-2025) Training manual

The BMW 3 Series G20 training manual is designed to provide detailed information and instructions to BMW technicians and dealership staff regarding the features, systems, and maintenance of the BMW 3 Series G20.



 General information

Symbols used The following symbol is used in this document to facilitate better comprehension or to draw attention to very important information: Contains important safety information and informatio


Qualification to work on the high-voltage system of the G20 PHEV (Hybrid Generation 4.0) can be acquired via the respective web-based training if the service employee meets the following prereq


 Stored trips

General information Up to 30 trips can be stored in the trip list. If necessary, delete existing trips to be able to store new trips. Storing The destination guidance for the tip must be active. 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. "Destination options". 3. "Save trip". 4. Enter the name.


Concept The air flow directions can be individually adjusted. Adjusting the ventilation General information The air flow directions can be adjusted for direct or indirect ventilation. Open the vents and position them to ensure effective climate control. Direct ventilation The air flow is directed t

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