BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Electrical Machine



The electrical machine in the G20 PHEV is a permanently excited synchronous machine. It can convert electrical energy from the high-voltage battery unit into kinetic energy, by which the vehicl


 Safe working practices for working on a high-voltage system

The following description of the repair of the high-voltage components is only a general list of the content and the procedure. In general, only the specifications and instructions in the current va


 Planning a trip

General information When planning a trip, several intermediate destinations can be entered. New trip 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. Select the type of destination entry. 3. Select a single destination. 4. Enter an intermediate destination. Intermediate destinations General information

 Shift elements

Brakes and clutches are described as shift elements which make possible the shifting and changing of all gears. Like in the GA8HP70Z transmission, the following shift elements are also used in the GA8P75HZ transmission: 2 fixed multidisc brakes (brakes A and B) 3 rotary multidisc clutches (clut

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