BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Vehicle key


 General information

The vehicle is supplied with two vehicle keys with integrated key. Each vehicle key contains a replaceable battery. Depending on the equipment and country version, various settings can be configured


Unlocking Locking Stationary climate control through Remote Engine Start Opening the trunk lid Press and hold or press three times in quick succession: panic mode Press briefly: headlight c

 With Comfort Access: convenient closing

Safety information Warning With convenient closing, body parts can be jammed. There is a risk of injury. Make sure that the area of movement of the doors is clear during convenient closing. Closing P


 Additional functions

General information Depending on the mobile phone and the installed apps, the following contents of the mobile phone are transmitted to the vehicle: Contacts. Short messages. Data transfer can take several minutes. Certain functions may need to be enabled by the mobile phone provider or service

 Renaming a driver profile

Countries in which ConnectedDrive is not available: The name that was assigned when the driver profile was set up can be changed via iDrive: 1. "CAR". 2. "Driver profiles". As an alternative for Steps 1 and 2, the profile image can be tapped in the top status bar. 3. Select driver profile. 4. "S

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