BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Communication



 Telephone functions

General information Mobile phones can be connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth, see Owner's Manual for the vehicle. At high temperatures, the charge function of the mobile phone can be limited where

 Last calls

The last outgoing, missed, and incoming calls are transferred to the vehicle. Depending on the equipment, the calls are transferred from the main phone and additional phones. Displays 1. "COM". 2. If


 Convenience charging electronics (KLE)

Convenience charging electronics The convenience charging electronics enable communication between the vehicle and charging station of the AC voltage supply in order to charge the high-voltage battery unit. The convenience charging electronics convert the AC voltage into high-voltage direct curre

 High-voltage power management

The power management for the high-voltage vehicle electrical system includes two subfunctions: one for driving and one for charging mode. In driving mode, the energy flows from the high-voltage battery unit to the high-voltage consumers and the energy flows during energy recovery to the high-volt

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