BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Updating album information

To update this database, contact a dealer's service center or another qualified service center or repair shop.

Gracenote technology

Music recognition technology and related data is provided by Gracenote. Gracenote is the industry standard in music recognition technology and related content delivery.

CD and music-related data from Gracenote, Inc., copyright 2000 to present Gracenote.

Gracenote software, copyright 2000 to present Gracenote. This product and service may practice one or more of the following U.S. Patents: #5,987,525; #6,061,680; #6,154,773, #6,161,132, #6,230,192, #6,230,207, #6,240,459, #6,330,593, and other patents issued or pending. Some services supplied under license from Open Globe, Inc. for U.S. Patent: #6,304,523.

1. "MEDIA".

2. "CD".

3.  Press the button.

4. "Album information"

The information stored about the album is displayed. If an album is not identified clearly, all appropriate entries are displayed.

5. If necessary, select a matching entry:

  • If information is displayed that does not match the played back album, the information can be hidden. In this case, a database update can help.

    "Reset album information" The album information is not displayed anymore.


CD/DVD changers and players have been optimized for performance in vehicles. In some instances, the CD/DVD players and changers may be more sensitive to faulty CDs/DVDs than stationary devices would be.

If a CD/DVD cannot be played, first check whether it has been inserted correctly.


High levels of humidity can lead to condensation on the CD/DVD or the laser's scan lens, and temporarily prevent playback.

Burned CDs/DVDs

  • Possible reasons for malfunctions with home-recorded CDs/DVDs are inconsistent data creation or recording processes, or poor quality or old age of the blank CD/DVD.
  • Only label CDs/DVDs on the upper side with a pen intended for this purpose.

Using CDs/DVDs correctly

  • Avoid fingerprints, dust, scratches and moisture.
  • Store CDs/DVDs in a sleeve.
  • Do not subject CDs/DVDs to temperatures over 122 ℉/50 ℃, high humidity or direct sunlight.

CDs/DVDs with copy protection

CDs/DVDs are often provided with a copy protection feature by the manufacturer. Copy protection can mean that some CDs/DVDs cannot be played or can only be played to a limited extent.


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