BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Car Information


 Using this Owner's Manual

Orientation The fastest way to find information on a particular topic is by using the index. An initial overview of the vehicle is provided in the first chapter. Validity of the Owner's Manual Produc

 Vehicle features and options

This Owner's Manual describes all models and all standard, country-specific and optional equipment that is offered in the model series. Therefore, this Owner's Manual also describes and illustrates fe

 For Your Own Safety



The function of the brake system of the G20 PHEV is to decelerate the vehicle safely under stable conditions. Vehicle deceleration is made up of the following elements: Conventional hydraulic braking Regenerative braking Thanks to regenerative braking it is possible to convert the kinetic


The driving and drive system modes are activated via the Driving Experience Control. The separate eDrive button, as known from the F30 PHEV, which can be used to shift through the drive system modes is no longer used. Its place is taken by the Battery Control button. G20 PHEV, center console

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