BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Saving fuel


 Reducing fuel consumption

General information The vehicle contains advanced technologies for the reduction of consumption and emission values. Fuel consumption depends on a number of different factors. Carrying out certain m


Concept ECO PRO supports a driving style that saves on consumption. For this purpose, the engine control and comfort features, for instance the climate control output, are adjusted. Steptronic transm


Concept Under certain conditions the engine is automatically decoupled from the transmission in the D selector lever position. The vehicle continues traveling with the engine idling to reduce consumpt


 High-voltage cables

The high-voltage cables connect the high-voltage components and are identified by orange cable sleeves. The manufacturers of hybrid cars have agreed on a uniform identification of the high-voltage cable with the orange warning color. An overview of the high-voltage cables used in the G20 PHE

 Start/Stop button

Concept Pressing the Start/Stop button switches drive-ready state on or off. Steptronic transmission: the drive-ready state is switched on when you depress the brake pedal while pressing the Start/Stop button. Pressing the Start/Stop button again switches drive-ready state back off and standby sta

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