BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Replacing components


 Vehicle tool kit

The onboard vehicle tool kit is located in the left storage compartment of the cargo area under a cover. Wiper blades Safety information NOTICE The window may sustain damage if the wiper falls onto i

 Vehicle battery

General information The battery is maintenance-free. More information about the battery can be requested from a dealer's service center or another qualified service center or repair shop. Safety info


General information The fuses are located at different places in the vehicle. Safety information Warning Incorrect and repaired fuses can overload electrical lines and components. There is a risk of


 LTE-Compensator - Information and User Manual

Your car is equipped with a wireless charging tray (WCA) to charge your mobile phone and connect it to the mobile network. To ensure the best possible connection a signal booster (LTECompensator) is used in conjunction with the WCA. The following paragraphs refer to this booster: This is a CONSUMER

 Intended use

Heed the following when using the vehicle: Owner's Manual. Information on the vehicle. Do not remove stickers. Technical vehicle data. The traffic, speed, and safety laws where the vehicle is driven. Vehicle documents and statutory documents. Warranty Your vehicle is technically configured

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