BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Breakdown assistance


 Hazard warning flashers

The button is located in the center console. The red light in the button flashes when the hazard warning flashers are activated. Warning triangle The warning triangle is located on the inside of th

 BMW Roadside Assistance

Concept Contact the BMW Group Roadside Assistance if assistance is needed in the event of a breakdown. General information In the event of a breakdown, data on the vehicle's condition is transmitted t

 BMW Accident Assistance

Concept BMW Group Accident Assistance can be contacted if assistance is needed in the event of an accident. General information If the vehicle sensors detect a minor to moderately severe accident, whi


 Mobility System

Concept With the Mobility System, minor tire damage can be sealed temporarily to enable continued travel. To accomplish this, sealant is pumped into the tires, which seals the damage from the inside. General information Follow the instructions on using the Mobility System found on the compressor

 Electrical machine electronics (EME)

Electrical machine electronics The function of the Electrical Machine Electronics (EME) is to activate and regulate the permanently excited synchronous machine in the high-voltage vehicle electrical system. This necessitates the use of a bidirectional DC/AC converter which converts the high-volta

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