BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Assistance functions

General information

More than one assistance function can be active at the same time.

The following assistance functions can be manually activated:

  • "Parking aid lines".
  • "Obstacle mark.".
  • "Car wash".

The following assistance functions are automatically displayed:

  • Side protection.
  • Door opening angle.

Parking aid lines

Pathway lines

Driver assistance systems

Pathway lines help you to estimate the space required when parking and maneuvering on level roads.

Pathway lines depend on the steering angle and are continuously adjusted to the steering wheel movements.

Turning radius lines

Driver assistance systems

Turning radius lines can only be superimposed on the camera image together with pathway lines.

Turning radius lines show the course of the smallest possible turning radius on a level road.

Only one turning radius line is displayed after the steering wheel is turned past a certain angle.

Parking using pathway and turning radius lines

1. Position the vehicle so that the red turning radius line leads to within the limits of the parking space.

2. Turn the steering wheel to the point where the green pathway line covers the corresponding turning radius line.

Obstacle marking

Driver assistance systems

Obstacles behind the vehicle are detected by the PDC Park Distance Control sensors.

Obstacle markings can be shown in the camera image.

The colored thresholds of the obstacle markings match the markings of the PDC Park Distance Control.

Vehicle wash view

Driver assistance systems

The vehicle wash view assists when entering a vehicle wash by displaying the floor and the vehicle's own track.

Side protection


The system warns of obstacles on the side of the vehicle.


Driver assistance systems

To protect the sides of the vehicle, obstacle markings are displayed on the sides of the vehicle.

  • No markings: no obstacles were detected.
  • Color markings: warning against detected obstacles.

Limits of side protection

The system only displays stationary obstacles that were previously detected by sensors while passing them.

The system does not detect whether an obstacle moves later on. For this reason, at standstill, the markings are not shown anymore in the display after a certain time. The area next to the vehicle must be newly captured.

Door opening angle


If obstacle marking is activated, the system indicates fixed obstacles that obstruct the opening angles of the doors.

The system does not provide a warning of approaching traffic.

Driver assistance systems

Steptronic transmission: the maximum opening angles of the doors are displayed in selector lever position P.

As soon as the vehicle begins moving, the opening angles are replaced by parking aid lines.

Limits of the display

The vehicle surroundings are displayed with distorted image for technical reasons.

Even if the symbols for the door opening angles do not cross other objects on the Control Display, the following needs to be noted when parking next to other objects: Because of the perspective, higher, protruding objects may be closer than they appear on the Control Display.


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